
Teaching with Digital Tools

We offer training and support to faculty and instructors in incorporating digital pedagogical techniques and assignments into their teaching, based on our areas of expertise. For in-depth assistance with Canvas and other specific learning technologies, we recommend visiting our partners at Academic Technology Services. The tools of digital pedagogy are appropriate for undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students working across the university's many schools and divisions. 

  • Our training initiatives range from summer workshops for faculty, to graduate student bootcamps during the spring semester, to graduate student training for online teaching.
  • We provide one-on-one consultations with our staff members to help instructors and faculty scaffold digital assignments in their syllabi and create meaningful assignments, outcomes, and rubrics for their students.
  • We work with individual faculty members to visit academic classes.

How We Help You

We have an inviting and straightforward process for helping professors integrate digital scholarship into pedagogy.

Learning and Skills

Here are some of the key questions we use as guidelines for digital pedagogy.

  • Are there particular technologies or methodologies we support that you would like to incorporate into your class curriculum?
  • How will a class visit help you reach your course learning outcomes?
  • How will it fit into your syllabus?

Visit with Us

Make an appointment for an exploratory conversation with an ECDS staff member by emailing to set up a consultation.

Please plan to meet with us as you develop your course curriculum. Some technologies and methodologies may be added relatively simply while others may take more time for advance preparation.


Recommended Tools

Adobe Illustrator | Adobe InDesign | Adobe Photoshop | Audacity | Canvas | Carto | Final Cut Pro | Google Maps | iMovie | Omeka | Open Tour | Piktochart | ScholarBlogs | Storify | Tableau | Voyant | Wikipedia | WordPress


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Subject Matter Experts

Ian Burr

Visual Design Specialist

More about Ian

Chase Lovellette

Systems Lead

More about Chase

Wayne Morse

ECDS Co-Director

More about Wayne

Joanna Mundy

Digital Project Specialist

More about Joanna

Michael Page


More about Michael

Sara Palmer

Digital Text Specialist

More about Sara

Megan Slemons

GIS Librarian

More about Megan


Here to help with general questions about your project or publication idea

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